How am I supposed to guess if you never say "I like you"?

How am I supposed to guess if you never say "I like you"?

I put all the words I want to say to you in a joke. I am so hypocritical and timid, so I am afraid that what you say is also hypocritical. Always accustomed to the hustle and bustle in the crowd, pretending to be free and easy to joke, and different people say the same I miss you, just to be able to say to you when you can have some confidence.

Dan Dan is a very timid girl. She always likes to walk alone, without deep friends and long-term partners. Someone asked her, "aren't you always alone?" She always replied with a smile, "only one person has sense of security."

she is not without a favorite. Friends around her all know that she secretly likes A-B. Dan Dan is a person who never likes to drink and save games with everyone. Whenever A-B is present, she will be there on call. Sometimes friends will tease Dan Dan about why he only comes when A B is around, but usually he doesn't see the end of the dragon. She smiled secretly and dared not look at A B's expression.

some people are so passive about their feelings that they can't say sweet words no matter how much they miss them. They hide all the words "I like you", "I miss you" and "I want to see you" in their eyes that they think others will understand, so that they can make their thoughts clear at a glance.

"that's the kind of person I am. I can't cajole people, and I can't say nice things. I'm bad-tempered and stubborn, but then I don't have the right to love someone and be loved?" That's what a girl said backstage.

she likes a boy for a long time, walking around him, always doing something to attract his attention, the girl thinks that the other person must know what he wants, but in the end the boy is with someone else. One day she couldn't help going to the boy and asked him why he didn't even give her a chance. The boy replied, "I thought you were like this to everyone at that time." the girl is speechless.

some people say that the stupidest thing you like about a person is that an immature confession under impulse leads to an unexpected response, which can only be digested with regret and embarrassment. Friends and Dan Dan said, "he should also like you, you be brave, can not just lose people again, miss is a lifetime."

my every thought is clear, my likes and dislikes, my shyness and timidity, my yearning goes on day and night. but I always secretly like, always secretly miss, always secretly disappointed, and finally secretly give up. In fact, I don't really give up. I still worry about whether I look good before I go out every day, whether I have good makeup, and whether my hair will be messed up by the wind. I am afraid that I will suddenly run into you and let you see that I am not good-looking.

I have met a lot of Danes. they always don't say "I like you" to the people they like. Some people are afraid of being rejected, others are afraid of losing face. to tell you the truth, who would like to be rejected? I really miss you and like you so much that I have the courage to say, "I like you."


I have said everything I want to say to you in a joke. I am so hypocritical and timid, so I am afraid that what you say is also false. is always used to making a loud noise in the crowd, pretending to be free and easy to joke, and different people say the same I miss you, just to be able to have some confidence when I tell you that I miss you.

later, Dan Dan still didn't say she liked A B. she still joked with everyone and said the same thing to different people. She pretended to be indifferent and free and easy, and finally A B got a girlfriend. Dan Dan said, "I haven't been with anyone since he left. I'm afraid one day he'll come back for me, but I'm gone." But I also know in my heart that he probably won't come back, and he won't know what I'm thinking anymore. "

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never said, "I like you", how do you want others to guess?