Our fear.

Our fear.

It's like it's tailored\ nIt's just right for everyone to lie in it.

our fear

is not a car accident, not a plane crash

our fear is a small fishbone

is the freshness and origin of fish

is the seasoning used in cooking fish

is not a flood, not a storm

our fear is several parameters

the mask is replaced

is the old courage to constantly accept new weather

Our fear is not the wilderness

our fear is a kindergarten

is a strange tenant next door

and the dead living in portraits and sculptures

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is not a slaughter, not through a minefield

our fear is a hastily ended meeting

and a resolution that needs to be implemented immediately

our fear is very small

cannot be compared with the

sometimes. We laugh helplessly at

ourselves and how despicable we are in this era

our fear has its advantages

as if it were tailor-made

everyone lies in it

will not delay the time of burial