Thinking in Travel-- Singapore

Thinking in Travel-- Singapore

I must have flowers, always, and always.

insomnia, lovelorn, illness, travel.

Travel is a way to throw yourself into the unknown and unfamiliar. If life is measured by a sense of security, then travel is measured by strangeness. People in life always want to go out, while people on the journey take each temporary home as the starting point for another departure, and the ideal state is to switch freely between home and running away, keeping a wandering and open curiosity at any time.

the difference between tourists and travelers is that the former will always return to the original city after a journey of more than ten days, while the latter will never go back. They belong to any place, but they do not belong to any place. They take the imprint of the previous city to the next city, and by the time they return to the original city, they can no longer return to the original state.

Travel is a mirror. What kind of mood and thoughts you take to the road before you leave, you will learn something from this journey. Travel itself does not provide answers, which is why it contains all the answers. I often wonder why every city I have visited brings me a completely different psychological feeling, whether the destination affects me, or whether the destination reflects my state of mind at that time and responds to my thinking at that time.

Singapore gives me this feeling: green, environmental protection, public welfare, diversity.

Green means that the city is covered with a large area of greening, which can be felt at Changi Airport, with large green plant walls, green landscape plants in the middle of the baggage turntable, and large ceiling devices that automatically adjust the light.

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Environmental protection refers to the recycling, processing, and reproduction of wastes, and the second refers to the reuse of the same items until they can not be used. The local government has made a lot of efforts on recycling and environmental protection, and there are finely sorted and beautifully designed recycling bins, whether they are advanced shopping malls, or roadside bins. The food bank, a self-service food bank next to the escalator in a shopping mall, recycles leftover food while helping the poor get free and clean food; beautifully designed recycling bins and special recycling bins for cosmetic packaging.

Singapore's public service publicity is very meticulous and comprehensive, with public service advertisements about single parents in subway channels, public service advertisements about food waste on roadside bus stop advertisements about Singapore's urban memory in parks on the top of the mountain, and ecological cycle public service advertisements under the trees of the sky. Public service advertisements for caring for gardens on the side of escalators, fine advertisements for wasting food in restaurants, advertisements forbidden to sell alcohol and tobacco in supermarkets at night, and advertisements forbidden to smoke at bus stops.

pluralism refers to the richness of Singapore's population and culture, Chinese, Malay, Indians, Eurasians, Thais, Indonesians, Filipinos; English, Malay, Chinese, Tamil; Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism.

later found that the Singaporean government and the whole people attach great importance to food waste, whether in restaurants, shopping malls, and roadside advertisements are educating people to reduce excessive demand for food and leave surplus food to the poor.

The global food banking network, a public welfare organization of food banks all over the world, is pleased to find that there is also the first food bank in China in Shanghai, but unlike individuals in Singapore who donate food, food banks can only cooperate with fresh e-commerce and retail convenience stores for the time being, and the enthusiasm of supermarkets is not high.

every year, enterprises need a lot of manpower and material resources to deal with surplus or near-shelf life food. the annual food waste in the world is as high as 1.3 billion tons. China pours enough food every year to feed and clothe 200 million people. This side is wasting, but the other side is starving. Through the food bank, the wasted food can be given free aid to poor families and families with children, so they can have the rest of the cost of buying food. Then it is used in children's education and medical treatment to improve the quality of life. On the other hand, it also saves the cost of handling surplus food.

good urban design is not only to promote short-term economic benefits, or to meet the needs of most classes, but also to stimulate people's better behavior awareness and guide people's green concept of consumption. and equally, meet the needs of different classes.

there is no contradiction between green and capitalism, and there is no inherent contradiction between public interests and private interests. It is important to make people realize that the values of green consumerism are based on sustainable earth ecology. Not over-design, not over-consumption.

as soon as I arrived in Singapore, the city was full of green, so I took it for granted that Singapore was so neat and spacious surrounded by green plants, but when I came to India and Chinatown on the last day, I found that even the garden city must have a shabby side. Every city has many aspects. Using a simple label to define a person or something in a city will lead to more of the same irrational tags. The emergence of a tag will lead to more negative tags, the birth of an organization will lead to more opposing organizations, and the emergence of a group will lead to more opposing groups. True freedom is to eliminate definitions and refuse to comment.

there is a right reason behind the behaviors that you take for granted, while many of the ideas you think are worthy of praise are the chain of interests that satisfy human selfish desires. Somali pirates used to be simple local fishermen, and because their territories and resources were occupied by foreign fishing groups, they could only come up with the idea of foreign fishing boats; the refugee parents of child labor could not obtain the legal rights to work locally, so they could only let their children do child labor to make a living, and South African illegal abalone poachers sold abalone to China in exchange for Tiko. In Madagascar, the pristine rainforest was replaced by continuous sisal plantations, which were shipped to Europe to become environmentally friendly packaging materials, seemingly environmentally friendly goods, its birth is still accompanied by non-environmental protection, accompanied by the local environment. The destruction of the environment has also made it impossible for local farmers to cultivate and survive.

Environmental destruction, poaching, and trafficking, global pollution, refugee flows, pirate attacks, illegal trade, shark slaughter, abandonment, poverty, war, famine. There are so many problems in the world that evaluation doesn't help.

during the journey, the perception and cognition of the self will gradually be transformed into the feeling of the outside world and the attention to the surrounding environment, and the feeling of the self will become less and less important. It is found that the important thing is the relationship with the people and things around them.

Open the lid of the travel box, the smell of the unknown is coming to you, strange, novel, adventurous, lost, discover, explore, doubt, trust, think, give up, leave, question, you pick back your child's eyes to observe and think, some familiar problems appear in a new way, to adapt to these new problems, you re-learn to open yourself and solve problems with strangers.

at the end of the day, you will find that it doesn't matter where you go, but what matters is what you perceive. If the oleander in the garden downstairs of the community makes me think, it is better than the 100 monkeys in the Indian temple.