Will you feel sweet if you put the tip of your tongue into the bitter potion?

Will you feel sweet if you put the tip of your tongue into the bitter potion?

The weather is fine for the 117th period on May 25, 2015. Do you remember the taste distribution map you learned? Sweet taste buds on the tip of the tongue;

1. Do you remember the taste distribution map you learned? Sweet taste buds at the tip of the tongue; bitter taste buds at the root of the tongue; sour taste buds on both sides? This is completely wrong.

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2. The root of the misinformation is that the translator misunderstood the German research report when it was translated into English.

3. The truth is: all tastes can be tasted in every part of the tongue, although the sensitivity may be different.

4. As we all know, the tongue has four tastes: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. But many people do not know the fifth feeling of the tongue: delicious taste. This is a basic sense of taste that has only recently been discovered. Soy sauce, tomatoes, and many foods rich in glutamate can bring this taste.

5. Fresh to the end: scientists have recently discovered that there are taste buds not only on the tongue but also throughout the digestive tract. However, the effect of intestinal taste receptors on digestion and nutrition is not clear.

6. The particles on the tongue do not taste buds, but fungal nipples. There are 50 to 100 taste buds on each mushroom-shaped nipple.

7. There are only a few taste buds that feel sweet, sour, salty, and fresh, but at least 25 taste buds feel bitter.

8. The advantage of being so sensitive to bitterness is to avoid our poisoning. Many poisonous plant ingredients, such as brucine, cyanide, etc., are bitter.

9. The advantage of the super wine taster, chocolate taster, and candy taster is that they have more tongue nipples and taste buds than normal people.

10. Go too far: Supertasters stay away from nutritious vegetables such as broccoli and kale because the bitterness of these vegetables is magnified in their mouths. Scientists have found that people with a super sense of taste are more likely to develop precancerous polyps of the colon than people who taste Oblivious.

11 Cheeseburger causes otitis media? The nerve fibers that transmit taste signals pass through the middle ear on the way up from the tongue to the brain. Scientists are trying to determine whether there is a link between a high-fat diet and frequent ear infections.

12 Inborn: the taste of foods such as carrots, garlic, and vanilla will enter not only the mother's milk but even the amniotic fluid in the womb. The taste that babies taste in their mother's bellies affects their postnatal dietary preferences.

13. The smell inhaled by lactating women can also affect the taste of their milk. If cows are raised in a barn with dirty air, the milk will taste worse.

14. Celery, pork and truffle mushrooms contain androstenone, an aromatic compound that significantly affects the taste of food. Half hated the smell, 15% thought it smelled like wood or flowers, and the rest thought it smelled like long-standing urine.

15. People who have the last kind of food generally don't like these foods.

16 Sweets and alcohol excite many of the same reward circuits in the brain. Research shows that children with a family history of alcoholism prefer sweets.

17 One of these circuits, endogenous cannabinoids, enhances the sense of sweets, the study explained.

18 Mystery fruit: a fruit native to West Africa that contains a glycoprotein called mystery fruit protein. After the mysterious fruit protein binds to the taste buds, eating sour food also feels sweet.

19. The fruit takes the lead in flavor modifiers, and the berries, or pills containing mysterious fruit protein, can make foods like the lemon taste as sweet as lemon pie.

20. Food scientists at the University of Florida have successfully transferred the mysterious fruit protein gene into tomatoes and strawberries. Their goal is to cultivate fruits and vegetables that are low in sugar but very sweet. How sweet these are.